Flower Power

Free CSS Website Template

Flower Power - A Free CSS Website Template

Flower Power has a two column layout with a fixed page width of 960 pixels. This design requires a minimum screen size of 1024x768. The main content area is 670 pixels wide. The right sidebar is 200 pixels wide. The column widths can easily be modified in the style sheet. The top menu bar was created using a styled list. It's simple to modify the menu items. The hovereffects are done using CSS only - no javascript required.

W3C standards compliant and valid XHTML

This template was built from scratch using Valid XHTML and CSS. I've also included the source PSD files that I used to create the template's images. If you have a graphics editor that can open PSD files, such as Adobe Photoshop, Corel Paint Shop Pro, or The GIMP, you can easily customize the images in the template.

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License

This template has been released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License. You are free to use it for your personal or non-profit website projects. All I ask is that you include a link back to this site in the page footer of the template giving me credit. Don't want to link back? No problem. You may purchase a commercial license for just $9.95. This license allows you to use the template for a commercial project, which is prohibited by the standard Creative Commons license. I also drop the requirement for the credit and link back in the footer. The license is valid for one website/one domain. Visit my license page for details.